For broadcasters, SEO (search engine optimization) is a built-in product of the advertising process. Basically, the more people that search for your brand, the higher your brands' organic search results will be in search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. It's a process that builds on itself.
Kelly Shelton, VP of Marketing for Boostability offered an example of a listener that hears “Got a leak? Call Joe’s Plumbing” on the radio. When that user needs a plumber, he or she goes to Google, plugs in “leaky sink” or “plumber” and finds “Joe's Plumbing” on the first search page. Because he heard the radio commercial, there is built-in trust for what is found online. That’s a score for radio.
“Radio is one of the best ways to drive traffic to online search,” Shelton stresses. Citing RAB statistics, 57% of listeners go online after hearing something on the radio and 39% of listeners say radio spots prompt online searches, while almost 20% of listeners are already online while listening to the radio. “So we see that radio and search play – and work – very well together. One leads to the other.”